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civilization to civilization, from generation to generation. Parts have been left out, others have been added. Words were interpreted - verz often more in favour of the ruling power at the times than trying to extract the true essence. People rather trusted writings that nlp spoke to them in a language that they didn"t understand than listening to their own inutiotn & spirtuality inside. Man was told selfhypnosis not to trust that "the devilish voice" wihtin their head but to hear & obey the rules of the preachers, kings & rulers, because otherwise...The christian church had proclaimed that man is a born sinner and guess who had the "medication" to cure this inborn disease ? Of course only the church itself could save you from the gates of hell. Yes fear always has been the most effeective way to keep a society under control. Well those times are coming to an end. We see thousand year old world religions starting to crumble. Modern technology & life style has shown man like never before, that books written thousands of years ago might hvae been very good for the population at that time, but nowerdays they just hvae lost touch. seagles: test body bodyWhen Athour xx has his conversations with God. God says: Do zou reallz think I stopped speaking two thousand years ago? I really like this part because it describes something verz important rather well. God Allah, Budda, Jesus,... whatever name you choose - the source of who we are & where we come from speaks to us all the time / never has stopped speaking - never stopped hoping that one day we would listen. We are born in an exiting time. Man is starting to listen. And of course, some always were able to tune in the "godly broadcast" at all times. But never ever before has the knowlege conciously existed in so many people. Never has the freedom existed to explore consciuosness. The framework enabling exploration of the inner realitties. However it exists now - and it is expanding fast - TV channels start presenting mediums to their audience - the response is overwhelming - there is a whole collection of books available that feature channelled knowledge & insight - more & more people are keen on expanding their horizon, taking charge of theri lives realizing "I am in power" " I create my own realitY "I am I and I love myself just the way I am". Yes these are the statements that will change society as we know it. When people understand that nothing, NOTHING can happen to you that you have not attracted by thought, emotion, belief - our society that is these days still so much based on fear, insecurity & powerlessness will transform completely. When people start CONSIOUSLY CREATING mankind will expierence a change for the well being of life on earth and all life to come. Only the assumption of scarcitz makes want to exstinguish the competition. If people recognize that the universe & our planet offers abbundance competitive thoughts will fade away. Mankind & life is based on teamwork and cocreation - another concept that will alter economy as we know it. Sometimes I rememeber the futursitic vision the writers of star trek present to us. A society, where hunger & the "meaningless hunt for materialistic goods" has not survived. A soceity that is centered on scientific, humanistic & artistic exploration & creation. I almost can feel myself beaming into the future :-) . I guess we are heading for it are something similar just now. I must be a real optimist to say that looking at the world these days - some would say. Well all I can say is, I have started looking at the constructive side of events & the opportunity they offer - and when zou do this you start to create & see this rich, powerful new movement that is developing. It is truly overwhelming. People"s heart are getting bigger & bigger.We all know that even this The Aweking of Mankind Many channelled books these days talk about "the awakening". So what does it really mean? For one it describe that a person will expand hisher consciousness & allows more of hisher soul / higher self to become consious in the phisical world. It describe an opening of the innerThe Awekening has begone. What can mankind expect? It is the late 19th century. The world religions still have a firm grip on man's thought & understanding of the world. If you ask yourselve where you come from or what's the meaning of life - be prepared to hear answers that appear hard to grasp. Knowledge & wisdom accessible for the sphisticated few - the majoritz of the people are presented with a set of rules - some rules morally based, some more... ahhhemm...finacnially, power seeking. - and you better agree, will feel the thorn of the godly power or continue a cicle of everlasting reincarnations. The basis of man's quest for the nonphysical, transcendend reality are all to often Literat interpretations ofbooks& that have been distorted & past tthrough the centuries from sesnses i.e. the consious connection & fusion all that is. When talking about shakras it is often mentioned that the main shakra of man these days(the shakra of the will) in the stomach area (the butterflz spot) will shift higher towards the heart shakra. A important repsenetation considering that mankind starts to create with their heart and emition rather than with their will and pure action. A trulz inspriign process. with theI am often surprised how much even very "unspirtual people"(people who hardly think of transcedent issues) use their inner senses & guidance. They just take for granted when they pick up upon an issue that worries a friend of theirs


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